Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wisdom to the Younger Me

I read a long time ago about some people who had written letters to the younger version of themselves. Basically, the premise is that you would write a letter to the 13-year-old you (or whatever age you choose) but write it with the wisdom of your years and without giving away many details. I have been wondering what I would say to myself, what advice I would give, and what warnings I would include. So here is my letter to my 13-year-old self. Enjoy!

Dear Marcie:

Your hair will grow! I know you hate the short hair and regret cutting it off, but have no fear...it will grow back. Hair always does. And trust me, you are going to do lots of experiments with it - have fun! Your hair does not define you.

Stop goofing off in math! (Had to throw that in for good measure...)

Enjoy your teenage years; your 20s will bring more than enough responsibility.

Treasure the relationship you have with your siblings instead of fighting with them over trivial matters. At the end of the day, and at the end of life, all you have is your family. You will need to band together and face tough choices, but you will make the right ones if you do it together. One thing you have learned already (and something you will continue to rely on) is your strong bond to your family.

You are going to be hurt by people you love. There is no way around it. But you need to continue to believe that you are making the right decisions in life, even if they do not agree with you.

Success is coming your way, baby! First, you will need to get through college so save your money. Books are expensive! You need to learn to stand up for yourself, too, so pay close attention in human relations courses.

You will be totally overwhelmed by your inability to reach a dream. Do not, no matter what, beat yourself up over it. It's not going to be your fault and as soon as someone listens to you, you will find out why. You will then be overwhelmed by the blessings that rough time will bring...I promise!

Don't fret about getting older. You will age to perfection, and be happier than ever. With age comes wisdom and understanding. You will be living the life you designed for yourself, even if you feel somewhat unsure about your path. Embrace YOU!

Much love,
The 32-year-old version of you

Monday, July 18, 2011


I'm a total slacker...I'm so sorry!

Ella and I are sitting here chillaxin and waiting for a storm to roll through. She is still in her nightgown! Lazy summer days I tell ya.

I needed to go to work today to pick up papers to be graded, but I didn't make it. The day isn't over yet, I know, but it almost seems crazy to get her dressed now, right? {I'm now patiently waiting for my Mother of the Year Award to be delivered...ahem.}

Since I did not officially announce it on here, I thought I should tell you that one of my goals for 2011 was to finally get the ink on the paper. I did. On June 20, in a 10-minute conversation in a stuffy room with stuffy attorneys, Eben and I officially ended our marriage. We are still very good friends who share mutual respect and love, and of course, our daughter. While no longer IN love, we will always love the other (at least that is the plan) because of our entwined past and our entwined future of raising our daughter together, yet apart.

I have also successfully read books this year. In fact, I read a really light, easy book called the Penny Pinchers Club, and it was awesome. It was a birthday present from a friend and I read it in one afternoon.

I haven't really created anything yet (another goal of mine for the year) except for a bunch of tears and your normal carbon footprint kind of thing. I bought a stepping stone kit for the kids last summer that we didn't get around to doing. I am thinking I will bust that out on Friday when we have a more relaxed day. It will be fun to let them get all messy.

As for my other goals, the only one I remember is getting in the kitchen more. I have to admit, I go to the kitchen to make a fresh drink and that's about it. Take out is so much more convenient (and frozen pizza).

We just got a downpour and it didn't even last long enough to make the deck wet. We have gotten into our summer rituals of sitting on the deck, spending time with friends and family, crashing pools (ha ha), playing cornhole, and chillaxing...easy living!

I have at least three different blog posts writing themselves in my head right now, so I hope to not be gone as long as I was this time.

Oh, and I'm currently loving http://pinterest.com/. Check it out if you have a few minutes...err...I mean hours...to spare...err...I mean waste. But it won't be a waste! I promise. TONS of ideas and inspiration!