Sunday, October 26, 2008

Scrappers Gallery

Yesterday I went to the grand opening of Scrappers Gallery, a local scrapbook store that opened in Zanesville. It has been years since we had an LSS here in town, and I wanted to be one of the first to welcome them and thank them for coming. I stopped in almost two hours after their doors officially opened, and was pleasantly surprised to see how many people had come to wish them well. I am excited about the opportunity to purchase items that can't be found at the box scrapbook stores, and also to participate in classes and crops.

I (of course) spent money, and because I spent over $40 (not too much over!), I got to spin the prize wheel. I won a friend-themed scrapbook kit. I am excited to use it...I just have to dig out some photos of friends and get busy.

I have been working on two layouts (4 pages total) for over a month. I am totally stuck on them. While Ella was napping yesterday, I pulled them out and looked at them with fresh eyes. I have been fiddling with them since (on and off during the Buckeyes game and now this morning). I think I am almost ready to adhere everything to the pages. I will try to remember to post pictures when I am finished. I am not 100% happy with them, but I think they will do. I have so many pictures that I want to start on, but I wanted to get my "unfinished" pile done.


I had a dream last night that absolutely shook me. As with most dreams, many of the details are fuzzy, but the main gist was that I was to meet a woman and give her directions somewhere. I had Ella with me and also a friend (who was blurry to me). When I arrived to meet this woman, I looked at her and saw my Grama H (who has been gone for six years next month). I said to my blurry friend that this woman looked exactly like my Grama and instantly I was too upset to really talk. My blurry friend stepped in and gave her the directions for me. Then my Grama look-alike said to me, "I feel as though I know you." "Yes," I replied, "I feel the same way." Then she says, "I was told you had a little girl and that you would be bringing her with you today. She looks just like you—beautiful."

The dream then ended as I woke up crying. I shared this with my mom on the phone this morning, and she thought perhaps I dreamed of her because I spent such a long time at her old house yesterday. Whatever the reason, I am thankful that I had this dream because I felt as though she was there meeting my daughter.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Another Card

Made this a few weeks ago. Don't be stealin!

The Windy City

I just returned from the NACADA conference in Chicago, and I had a great time there. I think I have found where I am supposed to be in life...if only I could convince my husband that moving there is a good idea.

I learned so much at the conference, and I am still going full speed to try to process everything. Of course, I met some really awesome people and had a blast with my coworker, Taumi. We got nicknames on our first night there, and I am now officially known as "Hoopty" to people in Oklahoma, Baltimore, and Nebraska. (Taumi's new name is "Tiger" which came from her original nickname that night of "Tie Girl" but I was not able to say two words clearly so I shortened it up to "Tiger." I think it suits her.)

I was a good girl with my shopping on this trip and only spent one quarter of what I did last time I was in Chicago. Go me! Some recommendations for restaurants: Bistro 110 (across the side street from the Hershey store), Grand Lux Cafe (of course!), and Jo's Be-Bop Cafe (on Navy Pier). We also went to the Reagle Beagle and they had awesome food, too.

I'd like to give a shout out to Pink Toes, Guy in Black Shirt, Jean Jacket Girl, and Baltimore and say thanks for making Wednesday night in Chicago so memorable.

Be Who You Be

So if someone tells you to be someone you are not, what exactly is that person saying? For example, if you are wearing a pair of blue shoes and the person says that you should get them in black, does that mean that the person does not like the blue shoes and thinks you would be better served to wear only black ones? Or if someone tells you to stop laughing so much, is that person really saying that he/she does not like the fact that you laugh at all?

Over the summer, I had a prof tell my class, "Be who you be." (I totally know it is not correct grammar, and so did she. But when you think about it, it sounds better than saying, "Be who you are.") Anyway, Be who you be has kind of become my mantra since July. Happiness comes from being yourself and being comfortable in your own skin. If I feel comfortable when I am laughing (note: not giggling like a school girl due to nervousness), then why should I stop? If I am comfortable wearing blue shoes, why should I stop? Isn't this (life) about what *I* want and not what someone else *thinks* I should want or do?

How many other places can we apply this thought process? To the foods we eat (I so heart french fries) to the beverages we drink (I also so heart Bud Light) to the way we drive (I heart speeding) to every other choice we make. Granted, I know when it is appropriate to do what I heart doing - I am not going to be caught eating french fries, drinking beer, and speeding away in my car, for example.

In my old life, I listened to a lot of country music (before I wised up and knew better). I remember a song that said something about having too much fun. I can't remember the whole gist of it (or even any of the words), but is it a crime to have fun and bring the fun with you wherever you go? Of course, fun doesn't mix well in certain situations, and I understand the difference. But places where I spend a lot of time NEED to be fun for me or else I will dread going there. And a happy Marcie is MUCH better than no-fun Marcie.