Monday, December 8, 2008

Another Prompt

I read a prompt this morning to blog about your favorite elementary school teacher and why he/she was your favorite. My kindergarten teacher was Miss Lawson, and she taught me that while I was permitted to color outside the lines, I should try to make it neat and not messy. I clearly remember the gray Crayola I used to "color in" those pretty flowers and the sad face with the word "messy" beside it when I got the paper back from her. Twenty-two years have gone by, and I am still coloring outside the lines. However, I am a LOT less messy now. And I would never dream of using a gray Crayola on a flower!


Anonymous said...

How often do you color?

Color? Well, I can't color enough. I would color all day, every day if I had my way. I'd use every crayon in the box.

Marcie :) said...

LMAO - I can't believe it took me a few seconds to figure out what the hell you were talking about. Keep it clean, girl!