Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Finally! A productive use of my time!
Endless.com has free shipping and free returns.
Do you think I ever sent the three pairs of shoes back that did not fit?
I'll wait while you guess.
That's right...Procrastination won again. These shoes have been sitting in my bedroom since the end of August waiting to be taken to the post office. All I had to do was print a return label (from their website), write return reason codes on the packing slips, and then seal the box. I finally did it today. It took all of three minutes.
Why do I procrastinate so much? My mom would tell you that it is because I am a perfectionist and if I can't plan the steps out just so then I can't start something. I'll go with that. And because I get distracted. Easily.
Like I felt the need to blog about overcoming my procrastination today. Do you think the label has actually been applied to the box yet? Nope. It hasn't. Do you know why? Because I just printed it, so I am already sitting at my computer. I need scissors. The scissors are in the kitchen. So why walk to the kitchen, cut out the label, walk to the bedroom to apply it, and then come back and post? See how my brain works? I am thinking of getting a drink of water while I am in the kitchen. I know that I need to bring more water upstairs from the basement. I know that when I go down there I will flip my laundry around. Then probably forget the water and have to go back in five minutes. So why not just cut the label, put it on the box, and then go after the water? So I am not further distracted by sweeping the basement or something crazy like that?
This whole post reminds me of when I was in high school and Dr. Lepp gave us an assignment to take out some paper and a pen/pencil and just write was what in our heads. I think it was called a stream of consciousness? Or a train of consciousness? Am I even remembering the assignment at all?
Off to cut the label. I might even make it to the post office today to send it back. I could use the credit on my credit card. Whoop whoop!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Decision Time
Whew. This is a big decision for the girl who often can't decide between peanut butter or grilled cheese. Hair up or down (when it was longer, anyway). This ring or this ring. These shoes or those shoes or perhaps even those other ones. French cut green beans or just cut green beans.
Do you get the idea? Do you see how hard decisions are for me? And I'm going to choose ONE word for the ENTIRE year? Yikes!
Naturally, I am having a hard time choosing. I think I have narrowed it down to two, but there might be other words out there that I haven't even considered. So what if my two choices are not the greatest words? What if I find a word on January 2 that I like so much better? Will I then have to change my mind and then feel like a failure because I couldn't even stick to one word for more than two days?
As I have been typing this, I have thought of one more word to add to my list of choices. Yikes. I better stop thinking about this so much and just post my three words and see if anyone bothers to vote for his/her favorite.
All three words seem to fit where I am in my life at this time. The only thing I do not like about Grow is that I don't necessarily want to physically grow. I mean unless I really start lifting some weights and get massive muscles in my arms, then that is okay. But only in my arms. I would like to shrink the rest of the body. Well except for my head. That would be kinda crazy.
Since I don't have to have a final answer until next week, I have some time to take a little poll. I am going to ask others who may not read this for their opinions, but I would like to gather as much data as possible for this completely unscientific study. So what would you choose? Do you have a reason why?
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The real update (with photos)
- Arrived at Kroger at 10 til 12 after four meltdowns prior to leaving (Ella's, not mine. Okay - one for me and three for her. No? Fine. Two each. We were even Steven.)
- Spent 5 minutes looking for single onions instead of a bag
- Found single onions
- Picked up the rest from the list with very little driving in circles
- Could not find the candy/gum aisle
- Drove in a circle
- Located the gum
- Got my very own Plus card in my name
- Checked out and was in the car by 12:30
While I was in Chicago in October, four people stopped me to ask for directions. Taumi and I decided that I look like such a native in that awesome city that people assumed I was. Amazingly, I was asked for directions to the produce section by some person who apparently thought the fresh foods were with the beer and wine. Even I know better than that.
Ella was pretty good for our trip. I am going to try to figure out a way to plan far enough ahead to avoid taking her with me in the future. For no other reason than to avoid bitch slapping the people who call her a boy. Come on...she has a braided purple hat with a purple coat with pink shoes. How could she possibly pass for a boy?
Here is a picture of us at the end of our shopping trip. My hair in the picture does not look much different than it normally does except for the color. I am loving the color. Totally loving it. It's very warm. I like warm. Especially when it is very cold outside. I don't like warm as much when it is warm outside. See how hard it is to please me?
I wonder if a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser would take those damn wrinkles off of my eyes?
I came to update
Monday, December 22, 2008
Stop the Internet Rumors...I'm Not Dead
Go ahead and stop reading. I'll wait for you to quit feeling dizzy.
Like the organized domestic goddess I aspire to become (but come on...will most likely never actually win the title), I sat down tonight, cookbook on the counter, pantry doors open, and shopping list in front of me (with a pen in my hand) and PLANNED meals for the next two days.
Go ahead and wait for the faintness to pass. I can keep waiting. After all, I'm not actually sitting in front of *my* computer watching you read this. Don't you think *that* would be a little, teeny, tiny bit scary? As if I had nothing better to do. Like take out the trash, clean the cat box (anyone want a nice, well anyone want a cat?), feed the dog, stoke the fire, feed/bathe/clothe/play with my child, clean the toilet, clean the floor, drink water, etc.?
Did I mention before that I did not have a Bud Light in hand while planning meals? That I made it through the entire ordeal without cracking one open? And that my mom was here? Eye yi yi.
So after my mom explained to me that the pan I call my mac and cheese pan is technically called a saucepan and that, yes, in fact I did have the correct tools to make this one certain dish, I got the meals planned and my grocery list made. I am going to attempt Kroger on Tuesday. Yes, that's right. Kroger. Tuesday. During the day because my BFF told me that it would be easier to be there in the daytime before the workers got there for quick pickups after work. I am wondering if it wouldn't be easier to be there when the store is crowded so that someone will eventually call for help when I pass out in the aisle after contemplating between one kind of chicken broth or the other.
Why are there so many choices in the grocery store anyway? And what happens if I can't find the exact size of the product I need to make a certain dish on my list? Will I be required to do math in the middle of Kroger? Can I take an oxygen tank with me?
Did I mention that Ella will be going with me for this grocery shopping excursion? I am thinking of getting her a Dora backpack so we can spin in circles and sing, "We did it, we did it," when we are finished. If we finish.
On a completely random note - I got my hair done today. It is fabulous. Perhaps I will take the trusty camera with me tomorrow and have the nice checkout person take a picture of Ella and me when we finish our grocery task. This will accomplish two goals. The first is that I can document actually going to Kroger without assistance from a friend and purchase everything on my list. The second is that I can then come home, take a nap from the exhausting day, and then post a photo to prove that I did it with fabulous hair.
Some random illogical fears about the shopping trip:
- It will be pouring down rain and we will be soaked prior to entering Kroger. Then I will have bad hair and Ella will be wet and miserable.
- I will not be able to find things on my list and will have to ask for assistance or risk appearing to be racing in the Kroger 500 (NASCAR style...round and round and round and round...).
- All of the crap on my list will not fit in my cart.
- All of the crap on my list will not fit my budget.
- I will forget the single most important ingredient for tomorrow night's dinner and will have to adjust my meal plan and then go back to Kroger for the missing ingredient on Wednesday.
Okay...I'll stop there before I talk myself out of going to Kroger altogether and eating a diet of cottage cheese and pickles for the next few days. I did find a peanut butter dessert thingie in my pantry that looks scrumptious. Perhaps we would be okay on that for a few days? Please excuse me now. I must go take a hammer to Ella's play house thing that will NOT STOP PLAYING BLASTED MUSIC for no reason. See how I get? I never yell. I never type in all caps. I never am this stressed out. But thinking of the trip to Kroger and then actually doing something with the food when I get back is sending me over the edge. I think I need to make a xanax candy necklace to take with me.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Happy Birthday, Princess
Monday, December 8, 2008
Another Prompt
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Words of Wisdom...
"I love you, but I love me more."
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Christmas and More about Me
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper
2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial – who wants the mess?
3. When do you put up the tree? Usually Thanksgiving weekend
4. When do you take the tree down? January… last year I waited until the end of January to extend the season (not because I was lazy…)
5. Do you like eggnog? Nope
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Ask my parents, I hated everything
7. Hardest person to buy for? My parents
8. Do you have a nativity scene? Nope
9. Mail or e-mail Christmas cards? Mail normally
10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? See answer for #6
11. Favorite Christmas Movie? White Christmas and It’s a Wonderful Life
12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? December 26
13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Sure – who hasn’t?
14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? My grama’s wafer cookies
15. White or Colored Lights on the tree? White only
16. Favorite Christmas song? Oh Holy Night
17. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Over the river and through the woods – rat race like any other day
18. Can you name all 9 of Santa's reindeer? Yes - Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph.
19. Angel on the tree top or a star? An Americana Santa that does not light up
20. Open the presents Christmas day? If I can wait that long :)
21. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Budgets
22. Favorite ornament theme or color? I love all kinds of ornaments, but I typically only purchase ones that tell some sort of story or serve as a reminder for something memorable.
23. Favorite dessert for Christmas? Grama’s wafer cookies
24. What do you want for Christmas this year? For my daughter to have a stellar holiday
This is a "have you ever" kind of survey...
( ) Gone on a blind date
(X) Skipped school
(X) Watched someone die...
(X) Been to Canada
( ) Been to Mexico
(X) Been to Florida
(X) Been on a plane
(X) Been lost (but always enjoyed it)
(X) Been on the opposite side of the country
(X) Been to Washington, DC
(X) Swam in the ocean
(X) Cried yourself to sleep
(X) Played cops and robbers
(X) Recently colored with crayons
(X) Sang Karaoke. (only in the presence of family)
(X) Paid for a meal with coins only?
(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
(X) Made prank phone calls (is your refrigerator running?)
(X) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose.
(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(X) Danced in the rain
(X) Written a letter to Santa Claus
(X) Been kissed under the mistletoe
(X) Watched the sunrise with someone you care about
(X) Blown bubbles
(X) Gone ice-skating (winter sports are not my thing… kind of like my experience with skiing)(X) Been skinny dipping outdoors
(X) Gone to the movies
( ) Got a speeding ticket. (I’m the luckiest girl on earth)
1. Any nickname? Hoopty and Marc (not my dad’s name, but with an s sound at the end)
2. Favorite drink? Water and Bud Light
3. Mother's name? Marlene
4. Tattoo? Stargazer lily on my shoulder and I want two more
5. Body Piercing? ears, three holes total
6. How much do you love your job? A lot
7. Birthplace? Zanesville, Ohio
8. Favorite vacation spot? Somewhere I have never been before
9. Ever been to Africa? Does The Wilds count?
10. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? Yes, with milk for nutrition
11. Ever been on TV? Yes
12. Ever steal any traffic sign? Yes, of course (Henderson Street twice) I also stole some genuine county-owned orange cones. They actually did come in handy for something a few years later. I think my poor parents used to just wait for the cops to show up and ask how they got those cones and street signs. They owe all of their sleepless nights to me.
13. Ever been in a car accident? Yes
14. Drive a 2 door or 4 door car? 4 door
15. Favorite salad dressing? Creamy poppy seed
16. Favorite pie? Peanut butter
18. Favorite movie? Sex and the City
19. Favorite holiday? Christmas
20. Favorite dessert? Peanut butter and chocolate mixed together in some fashion, but I don’t really eat dessert
21. Favorite food? Mom’s sausage casserole
22. Favorite day of the week? They are all good
23. Favorite brand of body wash? Currently, I’m loving Sabon
24. Favorite toothpaste? Crest Sensitivity
25. Favorite smell? A warm dryer
26. What do you do to relax? Relax? What’s that?
27. How do you see yourself in 10 years? Smarter than I am now
(Yes, I know there is no 17 on this list but I did not feel like redoing the numbers.)
Friday, November 28, 2008
The day after
Ella's Christmas dress. Waited in line at Kohl's this morning for 30 minutes to purchase this for only $17, a savings of 60%. This was after I woke up at 2 minutes til 4 to drive to Wal Mart and stand beside the Barbie Jeeps so my daughter could have one for Christmas. Thanks to my brother, I scored one for only $88. This was after last night's KMart debacle where I read the wrong ad and drove all over the green earth looking for a VW Barbie car that I thought was on sale yesterday and it turned out to not be on sale until today. Argh. I earned my mommy merit badge today in what was, I'm sure, the first of many early mornings to get a good gift for Ella.
What would shopping be without purchases for myself? I got a new red leather jacket, a black casual jacket, and an awesome jewelry armoire. Once I get the armoire set up and loaded up, I will share pics.
I'm looking forward to a fun night out with friends tomorrow and Thanksgiving with my family on Sunday.
Off to spread more Christmas cheer in the house...the tree is naked, except for the lights, and waiting for me to add my magic touch. Then I get to get crafty and redo my front door wreath so it will withstand another windy winter. It is so pretty I just can't seem to convince myself to make another one.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
It's Thanksgiving
- I finished a year of serving as president of my professional association's division (and lived to tell about it!).
- I took two classes over the summer and am finishing up my third toward my masters degree, which will leave me with four to go and then I will be DONE!
- My daughter is turning out to be incredibly smart and has a huge desire to learn new things.
- I have been relatively healthy with the exception of a bad back and a few minor colds.
- I have prepared dinner no less than 30 times in the past year and nothing I made was too awful to eat. (Big accomplishment for me!)
- I got to take two trips to Chi-town (for free).
- Had a blast in New Orleans (mostly for free).
- I have met some incredibly cool people and made lots of memories.
- My students are performing far above where other groups have been in a certain class I am teaching. I am not sure what to attribute it to - my teaching skills getting better or their intelligence level when I get them. I'm hoping it is a combination of both.
- That I have been supported by my loved ones in all I have done.
- My BFF turned 30, lived to tell about it, and has made it less scary for me.
- Who could forget all of the shoes and jewelry? :)
- I learned a new trick about Picasa just this morning that will solve all of my burning questions about editing photos.
Happy Thanksgiving to all . . .
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Miscellaneous Musings
Next time I see him, I won't be so nice. I may just walk up and tell him I think he is bat shit crazy and then maybe go on about how cool bat shit is and the different kinds of research being performed on it. You know, turn it into a total compliment. That might really confuse him and give him something to think about for a long time.
Speaking of crazy, is it really so crazy that I like ketchup but not tomatoes? Or that I like cherry flavored things but not cherries?
Sunday's Grammar Lesson
Anxious = Incorrect: I'm anxious for Christmas to get here. Anxious actually means that you are so worked up over something you could quite literally vomit. (Which, in my case could be true about Christmas because I normally do get too excited that I end up vomiting, but that's not the point of this post.)
Eager = Excited. I am eager to interview with you, or I am eager to discuss my vacation with you.
~Grammar Goddess
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I'm so ... mean?
I went to Wendy's the other day for lunch (exciting, eh?) and this sign has bothered me for years. I took out my trusty camera and took a picture of it so I could "teach" everyone about the proper use of insure and ensure and assure so you are sure to never make this mistake again.
Insure - Has everything to do with insurance. Example: I need to insure my house against damage from a tree falling on it.
Ensure - Means "to make sure" and has nothing to do with insurance. Example: To ensure faster service, please have your money ready.
Assure - This is a verb meaning to declare earnestly to. Example: She assured me that everything would be okay.
No excuses now. The Queen has spoken.
It's just a good day - Wal-Mart and Bud Light
Also, I'm thankful that Wal-Mart sells essentials such as Bud Light. Today was a Bud Light kind of day. Oh...who am I kidding? I guess any day is a good Bud Light day.
Am I behind again? Oh...who cares. I'm tired of rules that I can't remember. (Please excuse my lazy use of contractions today...it's the Bud Light talking, I think.)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I can't resist...
There is no theme here, really
- I'm thankful for another OSU win yesterday and having the opportunity to watch most of the game with my parents at their abode. Gram and Ella drew pictures on the magnadoodle while Pap and I watched the game (in between our naps). All in all a great afternoon.
- Eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. Bliss.
- I purchased more jewelry on Friday. As soon as it comes, I will share my collection.
- I'm thankful that the holidays are upon us, which means that our quarter is almost over. I enjoy working on a quarter system because ten (or 11 in this case) weeks is just a perfect amount of time to spend on one topic and then start a new class after a much needed break.
Yesterday, for the first time since Ella was a baby and did not know how to roll over, she took a short nap on our couch. It was so sweet seeing her there all spread out and comfortable. Again, like mother, like daughter. She really is growing up quickly, and I know that soon my mental images of her as a tiny baby will fade. Hell, she's almost quadrupled in weight in not quite two years, and grown over ten inches. Somehow she has learned to say McDonalds, only it sounds like "m-onalds" and of course, while waiting in line at the drive through, she was in the backseat screaming "happy meal" over and over. That's my kid...no patience when it comes to fast food.
I just looked out the window to see snow flying around out there. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I swear...it's not that bad...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A pic or two from the Big Easy
Tuesday's Thanks
And the second, even though it is early in the morning, I'm thankful that it is looking like it will be a fairly nice day. I'm not sure that I'm ready for winter yet (even though I long for South Dakota), so today's sunshine and fair temperature will assist in the transition from lightweight jacket to winter coat weather.
As Zee would say, "What a glorious day!"
Tuesday's Tunes
...Hank Jr., Synyrd, Journey, Garth Brooks, Guns and Roses, Boyz II Men, Aerosmith, Live, Montell Jordan, Finger Eleven...
All take me places and make me smile. I have to get my iPod updated!
Oh, and I think Ella's bedtime song is actually Santa Claus is Coming to Town, which disturbs me greatly. I wonder if she will be a Christmas junkie like me?
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Two More
- I am thankful that I have a washer and dryer in my house so I can do laundry whenever I want and do not have to haul it around.
- I am thankful that I got to hang with friends last night and meet some new people. Good times by the fire...
- And a bonus third - my daughter gives me much to be thankful for. Her charming personality and her developing brain have me in awe at all times. I especially am loving this new song and dance she will only perform while standing on the middle of my bed as if I am her audience. I only wish I knew what it was she was singing about. It must be something she loves because she sings the exact same song each time she does it and has the exact same moves. Strangely enough, I can't make out even one word she says to try to put the pieces together. I say strangely enough because she says so many other words with precision and can carry on conversations already. She's got a brain to go with her looks and personality. Wonder where she gets that from?
Off to start the bedtime routine, for which I am also thankful. I am much more "put together" in the mornings by doing a few things in the evenings. It's amazing.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Friday's Thanks
- I'm thankful my neighbor is home from his "extended vacation."
- I'm thankful for the dust I cleaned out of my house today—thankful that I had dust, had the tools to clean it up, and thankful that it is DONE.
Can I be wistful? Years ago, I wanted to live in South Dakota. I am longing to be there now so I could be enjoying this massive snow. Instead, we are stuck somewhere between the awesome weather of yesterday and the crappy weather we are supposed to get tomorrow. Cloudy skies, no sun to speak of, and only slightly warm.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Two More to Catch Up
- I'm thankful that my cars have all been invisible over the years as I have managed to avoid numerous speeding tickets.
- I'm thankful for my *elf* shoes because I can't stop smiling when I wear them.
Monday, November 3, 2008
November 3
I am also thankful for the people I have in my life. 'Nuff said.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Season to be Thankful
- Pictures that say so much more than words could.
- My nephews, despite their tantrums over the years, provide me with more laughter and love than should be legal.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Scrappers Gallery
I (of course) spent money, and because I spent over $40 (not too much over!), I got to spin the prize wheel. I won a friend-themed scrapbook kit. I am excited to use it...I just have to dig out some photos of friends and get busy.
I have been working on two layouts (4 pages total) for over a month. I am totally stuck on them. While Ella was napping yesterday, I pulled them out and looked at them with fresh eyes. I have been fiddling with them since (on and off during the Buckeyes game and now this morning). I think I am almost ready to adhere everything to the pages. I will try to remember to post pictures when I am finished. I am not 100% happy with them, but I think they will do. I have so many pictures that I want to start on, but I wanted to get my "unfinished" pile done.
The dream then ended as I woke up crying. I shared this with my mom on the phone this morning, and she thought perhaps I dreamed of her because I spent such a long time at her old house yesterday. Whatever the reason, I am thankful that I had this dream because I felt as though she was there meeting my daughter.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Windy City
I learned so much at the conference, and I am still going full speed to try to process everything. Of course, I met some really awesome people and had a blast with my coworker, Taumi. We got nicknames on our first night there, and I am now officially known as "Hoopty" to people in Oklahoma, Baltimore, and Nebraska. (Taumi's new name is "Tiger" which came from her original nickname that night of "Tie Girl" but I was not able to say two words clearly so I shortened it up to "Tiger." I think it suits her.)
I was a good girl with my shopping on this trip and only spent one quarter of what I did last time I was in Chicago. Go me! Some recommendations for restaurants: Bistro 110 (across the side street from the Hershey store), Grand Lux Cafe (of course!), and Jo's Be-Bop Cafe (on Navy Pier). We also went to the Reagle Beagle and they had awesome food, too.
I'd like to give a shout out to Pink Toes, Guy in Black Shirt, Jean Jacket Girl, and Baltimore and say thanks for making Wednesday night in Chicago so memorable.
Be Who You Be
Over the summer, I had a prof tell my class, "Be who you be." (I totally know it is not correct grammar, and so did she. But when you think about it, it sounds better than saying, "Be who you are.") Anyway, Be who you be has kind of become my mantra since July. Happiness comes from being yourself and being comfortable in your own skin. If I feel comfortable when I am laughing (note: not giggling like a school girl due to nervousness), then why should I stop? If I am comfortable wearing blue shoes, why should I stop? Isn't this (life) about what *I* want and not what someone else *thinks* I should want or do?
How many other places can we apply this thought process? To the foods we eat (I so heart french fries) to the beverages we drink (I also so heart Bud Light) to the way we drive (I heart speeding) to every other choice we make. Granted, I know when it is appropriate to do what I heart doing - I am not going to be caught eating french fries, drinking beer, and speeding away in my car, for example.
In my old life, I listened to a lot of country music (before I wised up and knew better). I remember a song that said something about having too much fun. I can't remember the whole gist of it (or even any of the words), but is it a crime to have fun and bring the fun with you wherever you go? Of course, fun doesn't mix well in certain situations, and I understand the difference. But places where I spend a lot of time NEED to be fun for me or else I will dread going there. And a happy Marcie is MUCH better than no-fun Marcie.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Makes me think back to what I was doing when I was 17. I was a senior in high school, driving my "silver bullet" car, working as a mall rat, taking my first Harley rides, and dating my high school sweetheart. Since all good things eventually do come to an end, by the time I would be half way through my 18th year of life, the car had caught fire (no fault of mine!), I was no longer a mall rat, had graduated high school, and the high school sweetheart was long gone. They were definitely good things, and the majority of my fondest memories come from that time period.
Proofread, People!
If applying for a job, please ensure your own name is spelled correctly on all materials! 'Nuff said.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
My Shoe Secret
My best kept shoe secret is endless.com. This website is an awesome place to lose yourself for hours just looking at the shoes available. They have super fast shipping (most shoes FREE overnight), and 100% free returns in case the shoe does not fit as perfectly as you would like. It's a partner to amazon.com, so if you have an amazon account already, you won't even need to redo your information.
My new favorite brand is Naughty Monkey. The shoes, even with the over 3 inch heel height, are some of the most comfortable I have ever worn.
There...the secret is out. Hi, I'm Marcie, and I am a shoe addict.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
So where does happiness come from? Inside? So how do you "get happy" if you are not naturally happy? What does happy really mean? Is it always smiling? Is it always being positive? (I'm getting a Pollyanna vibe here, right?) Perhaps this is why the self-help industry is booming? Or therapists are so difficult to get appointments with?
I have lots to chew on, and this question of happiness may become my latest obsession. Any self-help books out there worth reading to find the answer?
Oh, and I may have a Wii for sale...