Monday, December 27, 2010

On My Mind...

Thankfully, I was blessed with a filter. Now, now, friends, I know sometimes I do not use my filter, but at least I have one. I do, however, have lots of things I want to say, and I have done a very good job of keeping my opinions to myself. I have been the recipient of unwelcome opinions of late, so I think it is only fair that I allow myself to puke out my opinions. Since very few people read my blog, I am posting it here instead of elsewhere. I may link to my blog today, so if you happen to read this from a link on Facebook and you do not believe you are someone who has pissed me off recently, then let it go. Do not, and I repeat, do not, allow anything I say to get to you. I am most likely not talking about anyone who would be reading this. I promise. I swear. I even pinky swear. That’s serious in the world I live in, you know. Pinky swears are, like, serious shit. Like elephant shit. That serious. I swear. I mean, I pinky swear.

I’m getting some things off my chest. Ignore me. Or listen. It’s your choice. Remember what I said, though. This is most likely not about you. Are we cool? Yes. Yes, we are very cool. I love removing my filter when I can.

You are pathetic and fake. You have nothing all that important to say, anyway.
I dislike the way you have treated people to get to where you are.

I am not the one to blame for your misery.

You need to get a grip.

If you want to be more judgmental, I can refer you to a special place for those people. I’m sure they would welcome you with open arms, as long as you give them my name as a reference.

You deserve better! Go! Run! Get out of there, fast!

You, you, and you…be nice! You really do need to get along better.

She does not deserve that title any more than I do. Thankyouverymuch.

Why can’t you answer a damn email?

Why did I pay you to do that when I could have gotten it better for free? I’m so stupid.

There. I feel better. You can go back to your normal programming now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is the same shit I need to post.