Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday's Update

I did it! I did it! I need a backpack and a zippy little Dora song!

Ella and I put dinner in the crockpot this morning. I did not touch the raw meat; I used a fork for that. WOOT!

The Christmas tree is now naked in the living room. Taking the ornaments off took a long time (well, I was distracted by the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills), so I stopped before taking off the lights and actually dismantling the tree. :)

My BFF got some rocking news today and her excitement poured out of her texts. This BFF is super proud of that BFF. Like, totally proud!

The winter blues are knocking on the door, and in an effort to fight them off, tomorrow night's dinner will remind us of what we had for the 4th of July - grill and all.

Unfortunately, yesterday, I was reminded of how immature adults can be. Tsk, tsk. Big girl panties were put on, lips were zipped, and the drama was kicked to the curb. Avoidance is not normally my style, but it was the best for the situation. And you know what? I saw the line in the sand and knew I couldn't erase it, step over it, or ignore it. How is that for growth and maturity?

Another item on the resolution list was to get crafty again. The past few days I have spent some time looking at crafts, doing some research, and trying to figure out where this all will take me. Needless to say, excitement is pouring out of me right now, too. Making messes in the name of being creative is exciting!

My word for 2011 is Create. Create my future, create my memories, create experiences, create crafts, and create a place of love of warmth for family and friends. Totally doable! Check back here for more progress reports and maybe even to catch a glimpse of things I have been creating!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

What I'm Doing

currently, procrastinating on working on my to-do list. :)

I have been looking through recipe books this morning looking for meal ideas for the coming week. I get to hang out with the kids on Monday since we have a holiday from school/work. I am going to get out the crock pot and make something! WOOT. We might also do a little meal prep for the coming week since the kids will essentially be with us all week.

One of my resolutions is to find and perfect 12 new (to me) recipes this year. I am going to choose a pork crock pot recipe as my first one. There doesn't appear to be any touching of raw meat involved with this recipe, so I am pretty comfortable. lol

My to-do list today includes grading papers, preparing for classes on Tuesday, working on a big project for work, making the grocery list and going to the grocery, unloading/reloading dishwasher, dusting, running the sweeper, and the one I am ashamed of...{taking down the Christmas tree and decorations}.

Yes, the tree is still up. I love it so much that it depresses me just thinking of taking it down. The dog must be ready for it to come down, though, because she gave us a pretty big hint. She took it upon herself to eat quite a few of the lights off the bottom. lol

The dust is screaming my name...

Monday, January 3, 2011


I come from a world where the word "whereas" is used ten millllllliiiioooon times in resolutions. I thought it would be fun to title my resolution post with the word that has some funk, charm, and old-school style.

Welcome to 2011. Welcome one and all!

Oh, I forgot I didn't actually finish up/close out the year 2010. In a nutshell...

Laughter, friends, family, two beach vacations, landscaping, home improvement projects, work, work, work, road trips, laughter, friends, concerts, chillaxin, 31, three new wardrobes for Ella because she grew like a weed, pain, breaking, clouds, dark spots, bright and shiny spots, chasing balls, cornhole, riding a bike for the first time in YEARS, learning, growing, losing. And laughter.

Now, for 2011. I give you my "whereas" list.

Whereas, I will finish my bathroom this year.
Whereas, I will be the best mother I can be.
Whereas, I will finally have ink on those papers!
Whereas, I will continue to love with my whole heart.
Whereas, I will read at least six books this year (not textbooks!).
Whereas, I will clean out the home office and begin to use my craft supplies again.
Whereas, I will explore down deep in my soul to find what fuels it and then supply it with more food than it has ever received.
Whereas, I will learn and perfect 12 new (to me) recipes so I can spoil my family a little more.
Whereas, I will make time to just be in the moment with those I love and cherish. Unplug from life and just breathe in their scents, listen to their stories, and share new adventures with them.

How's that for ambition?

Happy 2011 to you and yours!