Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Finally! A productive use of my time!

Do you ever do something that has been sitting around screaming, "Do this now!" for months? Back in August, I went on a shoe buying spree. (See previous posts about shoes and my love for them.) I placed two significant orders and when they came in, I was disappointed that some of the shoes did not fit.

Endless.com has free shipping and free returns.

Do you think I ever sent the three pairs of shoes back that did not fit?

I'll wait while you guess.

That's right...Procrastination won again. These shoes have been sitting in my bedroom since the end of August waiting to be taken to the post office. All I had to do was print a return label (from their website), write return reason codes on the packing slips, and then seal the box. I finally did it today. It took all of three minutes.

Why do I procrastinate so much? My mom would tell you that it is because I am a perfectionist and if I can't plan the steps out just so then I can't start something. I'll go with that. And because I get distracted. Easily.

Like I felt the need to blog about overcoming my procrastination today. Do you think the label has actually been applied to the box yet? Nope. It hasn't. Do you know why? Because I just printed it, so I am already sitting at my computer. I need scissors. The scissors are in the kitchen. So why walk to the kitchen, cut out the label, walk to the bedroom to apply it, and then come back and post? See how my brain works? I am thinking of getting a drink of water while I am in the kitchen. I know that I need to bring more water upstairs from the basement. I know that when I go down there I will flip my laundry around. Then probably forget the water and have to go back in five minutes. So why not just cut the label, put it on the box, and then go after the water? So I am not further distracted by sweeping the basement or something crazy like that?

This whole post reminds me of when I was in high school and Dr. Lepp gave us an assignment to take out some paper and a pen/pencil and just write was what in our heads. I think it was called a stream of consciousness? Or a train of consciousness? Am I even remembering the assignment at all?

Off to cut the label. I might even make it to the post office today to send it back. I could use the credit on my credit card. Whoop whoop!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Decision Time

After reading about this concept for a week now, I have decided that I am going to choose a word for my theme for 2009. A whole year. One word. One theme.

Whew. This is a big decision for the girl who often can't decide between peanut butter or grilled cheese. Hair up or down (when it was longer, anyway). This ring or this ring. These shoes or those shoes or perhaps even those other ones. French cut green beans or just cut green beans.

Do you get the idea? Do you see how hard decisions are for me? And I'm going to choose ONE word for the ENTIRE year? Yikes!

Naturally, I am having a hard time choosing. I think I have narrowed it down to two, but there might be other words out there that I haven't even considered. So what if my two choices are not the greatest words? What if I find a word on January 2 that I like so much better? Will I then have to change my mind and then feel like a failure because I couldn't even stick to one word for more than two days?

As I have been typing this, I have thought of one more word to add to my list of choices. Yikes. I better stop thinking about this so much and just post my three words and see if anyone bothers to vote for his/her favorite.


All three words seem to fit where I am in my life at this time. The only thing I do not like about Grow is that I don't necessarily want to physically grow. I mean unless I really start lifting some weights and get massive muscles in my arms, then that is okay. But only in my arms. I would like to shrink the rest of the body. Well except for my head. That would be kinda crazy.

Since I don't have to have a final answer until next week, I have some time to take a little poll. I am going to ask others who may not read this for their opinions, but I would like to gather as much data as possible for this completely unscientific study. So what would you choose? Do you have a reason why?

Thursday, December 25, 2008


We survived the holiday. A smattering of photos from today's festivities, here and at my parents' house.

I'm thankful that Ella "got it" this year and was excited for her presents when she woke up. I wish I could have caught her initial reaction on camera. Next year, I will be standing by her presents ready when she comes out of her room. (Helpful tip to include in the next "How to be a mommy" book in case anyone happens to be writing one. Also don't forget to include the checklist so that cookies and milk are never forgotten, birthday cakes are always ordered in time, and the medicine cabinet always has the essentials...while I'm at it, it might not be a bad idea to have a checklist of every member in the family so you make sure you take pictures of them all...hi Cory, Seth, Ashton, and Anthony! *waves wildly at her beautiful nephews*)
Unloading the car is going to have to wait until tomorrow. I'm beat. It is time for a new Christmas tradition to start at my house - a cold, refreshing beverage to end Christmas Day. Since I have already had milk and water, I guess I'm left with no choice than to partake in a Bud Light.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The real update (with photos)

Groceries are now safely tucked away in the cabinets and refrigerator. No spoiling food here. Okay...so all of my irrational fears from yesterday were for nothing. I should have been more afraid of the traffic and the parking situation than of the actual grocery experience. Short version:

  • Arrived at Kroger at 10 til 12 after four meltdowns prior to leaving (Ella's, not mine. Okay - one for me and three for her. No? Fine. Two each. We were even Steven.)

  • Spent 5 minutes looking for single onions instead of a bag

  • Found single onions

  • Picked up the rest from the list with very little driving in circles

  • Could not find the candy/gum aisle

  • Drove in a circle

  • Located the gum

  • Got my very own Plus card in my name

  • Checked out and was in the car by 12:30

While I was in Chicago in October, four people stopped me to ask for directions. Taumi and I decided that I look like such a native in that awesome city that people assumed I was. Amazingly, I was asked for directions to the produce section by some person who apparently thought the fresh foods were with the beer and wine. Even I know better than that.

Ella was pretty good for our trip. I am going to try to figure out a way to plan far enough ahead to avoid taking her with me in the future. For no other reason than to avoid bitch slapping the people who call her a boy. Come on...she has a braided purple hat with a purple coat with pink shoes. How could she possibly pass for a boy?

Here is a picture of us at the end of our shopping trip. My hair in the picture does not look much different than it normally does except for the color. I am loving the color. Totally loving it. It's very warm. I like warm. Especially when it is very cold outside. I don't like warm as much when it is warm outside. See how hard it is to please me?

I wonder if a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser would take those damn wrinkles off of my eyes?

I came to update

but then realized that I had to actually unload the groceries from my car. I will return to post the picture and describe the grocery experience shortly. Go ahead and find something else to do in case it takes me a million years to remember that I need to come back here and finish this. I wouldn't want to be the reason for your not getting everything on your list finished.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Stop the Internet Rumors...I'm Not Dead

Hee hee. Yet. I will attempt to not do myself in tomorrow night after cooking dinner. It's been kinda hard to kill myself on fast food and cinnamon toast. But tomorrow...the big night...I'm going to cook from scratch.

Go ahead and stop reading. I'll wait for you to quit feeling dizzy.

Like the organized domestic goddess I aspire to become (but come on...will most likely never actually win the title), I sat down tonight, cookbook on the counter, pantry doors open, and shopping list in front of me (with a pen in my hand) and PLANNED meals for the next two days.

Go ahead and wait for the faintness to pass. I can keep waiting. After all, I'm not actually sitting in front of *my* computer watching you read this. Don't you think *that* would be a little, teeny, tiny bit scary? As if I had nothing better to do. Like take out the trash, clean the cat box (anyone want a nice, well anyone want a cat?), feed the dog, stoke the fire, feed/bathe/clothe/play with my child, clean the toilet, clean the floor, drink water, etc.?

Did I mention before that I did not have a Bud Light in hand while planning meals? That I made it through the entire ordeal without cracking one open? And that my mom was here? Eye yi yi.

So after my mom explained to me that the pan I call my mac and cheese pan is technically called a saucepan and that, yes, in fact I did have the correct tools to make this one certain dish, I got the meals planned and my grocery list made. I am going to attempt Kroger on Tuesday. Yes, that's right. Kroger. Tuesday. During the day because my BFF told me that it would be easier to be there in the daytime before the workers got there for quick pickups after work. I am wondering if it wouldn't be easier to be there when the store is crowded so that someone will eventually call for help when I pass out in the aisle after contemplating between one kind of chicken broth or the other.

Why are there so many choices in the grocery store anyway? And what happens if I can't find the exact size of the product I need to make a certain dish on my list? Will I be required to do math in the middle of Kroger? Can I take an oxygen tank with me?

Did I mention that Ella will be going with me for this grocery shopping excursion? I am thinking of getting her a Dora backpack so we can spin in circles and sing, "We did it, we did it," when we are finished. If we finish.

On a completely random note - I got my hair done today. It is fabulous. Perhaps I will take the trusty camera with me tomorrow and have the nice checkout person take a picture of Ella and me when we finish our grocery task. This will accomplish two goals. The first is that I can document actually going to Kroger without assistance from a friend and purchase everything on my list. The second is that I can then come home, take a nap from the exhausting day, and then post a photo to prove that I did it with fabulous hair.

Some random illogical fears about the shopping trip:
  • It will be pouring down rain and we will be soaked prior to entering Kroger. Then I will have bad hair and Ella will be wet and miserable.
  • I will not be able to find things on my list and will have to ask for assistance or risk appearing to be racing in the Kroger 500 (NASCAR style...round and round and round and round...).
  • All of the crap on my list will not fit in my cart.
  • All of the crap on my list will not fit my budget.
  • I will forget the single most important ingredient for tomorrow night's dinner and will have to adjust my meal plan and then go back to Kroger for the missing ingredient on Wednesday.

Okay...I'll stop there before I talk myself out of going to Kroger altogether and eating a diet of cottage cheese and pickles for the next few days. I did find a peanut butter dessert thingie in my pantry that looks scrumptious. Perhaps we would be okay on that for a few days? Please excuse me now. I must go take a hammer to Ella's play house thing that will NOT STOP PLAYING BLASTED MUSIC for no reason. See how I get? I never yell. I never type in all caps. I never am this stressed out. But thinking of the trip to Kroger and then actually doing something with the food when I get back is sending me over the edge. I think I need to make a xanax candy necklace to take with me.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Happy Birthday, Princess

My baby turned 2 yesterday. It is so hard to believe that two years have gone by and how much she has changed.

Here's what I remember from that day: scared shitless at 11:30 when doc tells me we need to deliver the baby today because she won't make it another three days; canceling my lunch date w/ Tiffany; almost dying twice from low blood sugars; awesome nurses; my entire family invading my hospital room prior to being wheeled back for surgery; my friends all waiting in the waiting room; being wheeled through a big line of people on the way to surgery (felt like I was in a parade - thankfully I had good hair that day...the clothes left a lot to be desired); laughing so hard I couldn't function after the doctor put my spinal in; hearing my daughter cry and seeing her face for the first time at 5:05 p.m.; telling everyone that my stomach was burning b/c I could smell it (found out later that it was being burned but they wouldn't tell me that...); then yelling at everyone to not touch me when I came out of the recovery room. Oh, and how could I forget the immense pain I was in afterward? (No matter what bs any mother trys to tell you after birth - YES, you DO remember it!)
All in all, a worthwhile experience to get the end result. Oh, and the next morning, I had a giant bottle of Pepsi (that made me sick from all the sugar) and a giant Snickers bar, courtesy of an awesome nurse.

So here she is...then and now.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Another Prompt

I read a prompt this morning to blog about your favorite elementary school teacher and why he/she was your favorite. My kindergarten teacher was Miss Lawson, and she taught me that while I was permitted to color outside the lines, I should try to make it neat and not messy. I clearly remember the gray Crayola I used to "color in" those pretty flowers and the sad face with the word "messy" beside it when I got the paper back from her. Twenty-two years have gone by, and I am still coloring outside the lines. However, I am a LOT less messy now. And I would never dream of using a gray Crayola on a flower!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Words of Wisdom...

from the great philosopher Samantha on Sex and the City:

"I love you, but I love me more."
