Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Finally! A productive use of my time!

Do you ever do something that has been sitting around screaming, "Do this now!" for months? Back in August, I went on a shoe buying spree. (See previous posts about shoes and my love for them.) I placed two significant orders and when they came in, I was disappointed that some of the shoes did not fit.

Endless.com has free shipping and free returns.

Do you think I ever sent the three pairs of shoes back that did not fit?

I'll wait while you guess.

That's right...Procrastination won again. These shoes have been sitting in my bedroom since the end of August waiting to be taken to the post office. All I had to do was print a return label (from their website), write return reason codes on the packing slips, and then seal the box. I finally did it today. It took all of three minutes.

Why do I procrastinate so much? My mom would tell you that it is because I am a perfectionist and if I can't plan the steps out just so then I can't start something. I'll go with that. And because I get distracted. Easily.

Like I felt the need to blog about overcoming my procrastination today. Do you think the label has actually been applied to the box yet? Nope. It hasn't. Do you know why? Because I just printed it, so I am already sitting at my computer. I need scissors. The scissors are in the kitchen. So why walk to the kitchen, cut out the label, walk to the bedroom to apply it, and then come back and post? See how my brain works? I am thinking of getting a drink of water while I am in the kitchen. I know that I need to bring more water upstairs from the basement. I know that when I go down there I will flip my laundry around. Then probably forget the water and have to go back in five minutes. So why not just cut the label, put it on the box, and then go after the water? So I am not further distracted by sweeping the basement or something crazy like that?

This whole post reminds me of when I was in high school and Dr. Lepp gave us an assignment to take out some paper and a pen/pencil and just write was what in our heads. I think it was called a stream of consciousness? Or a train of consciousness? Am I even remembering the assignment at all?

Off to cut the label. I might even make it to the post office today to send it back. I could use the credit on my credit card. Whoop whoop!

1 comment:

Andi said...

Marcie - love the blog. You are right... as a current English major, it is stream of consciousness (and I hate it!) : )