Monday, January 3, 2011


I come from a world where the word "whereas" is used ten millllllliiiioooon times in resolutions. I thought it would be fun to title my resolution post with the word that has some funk, charm, and old-school style.

Welcome to 2011. Welcome one and all!

Oh, I forgot I didn't actually finish up/close out the year 2010. In a nutshell...

Laughter, friends, family, two beach vacations, landscaping, home improvement projects, work, work, work, road trips, laughter, friends, concerts, chillaxin, 31, three new wardrobes for Ella because she grew like a weed, pain, breaking, clouds, dark spots, bright and shiny spots, chasing balls, cornhole, riding a bike for the first time in YEARS, learning, growing, losing. And laughter.

Now, for 2011. I give you my "whereas" list.

Whereas, I will finish my bathroom this year.
Whereas, I will be the best mother I can be.
Whereas, I will finally have ink on those papers!
Whereas, I will continue to love with my whole heart.
Whereas, I will read at least six books this year (not textbooks!).
Whereas, I will clean out the home office and begin to use my craft supplies again.
Whereas, I will explore down deep in my soul to find what fuels it and then supply it with more food than it has ever received.
Whereas, I will learn and perfect 12 new (to me) recipes so I can spoil my family a little more.
Whereas, I will make time to just be in the moment with those I love and cherish. Unplug from life and just breathe in their scents, listen to their stories, and share new adventures with them.

How's that for ambition?

Happy 2011 to you and yours!

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