Saturday, January 24, 2009

One of those days

Everyone in the ville was out driving Maple today. Crazy January day after people have been trapped inside and everyone chooses to be on Maple at the same time.

Went to Wal-Mart. Not my typical WM, the one on the north end. Went there b/c I thought it would be faster. Faster because I was headed that direction anyway. Faster b/c I could not imagine that everyone and their brother, mother, sister, and cousins would be there. (Hence the traffic on Maple, I think.) Why aren't all Wal-Marts set up the same? I did the Wal-Mart 500 today looking for chapstick. I also did it looking for gum, which I did finally find. But no luck on the chapstick. Heaven forbid I stop to ask for directions.

This morning I wanted to wash the salt off of my car so I went to the car wash. It was not working. I went back this evening after I left a birthday party, and it was working this time. Only it wasn't. I put my $7 in (splurged to have the undercarriage done too) and pulled in. I stopped. The lighted sign told me to back up. I did a hair. Then it said, "Thank you. Please exit." I paid $7 to pull into the car wash, back up, and then pull out. What? So then I had to go inside and get a code to get it washed. It actually worked the second time and now my car is shiny and clean. Whoop.

Speaking of the birthday party, I ate so much good food that I probably won't have to eat again for a week. Whoop.

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