Sunday, January 4, 2009

Random Things I Love

I have been working on a list for a scrapbook page idea I stole from somewhere. The gist is that you place words on a page representing things you love. The idea was 100 things. My list is growing, but I am not quite at 100 yet so I don't want to actually start the scrapbook page until my list is final. Aside from the obvious choices of family and pets, I am going to list my 100 loves on here in no particular order (10 at a time so don't go running away from a boring list counting to 100). I think this will be a yearly project for me to see how much things change in one year.

  1. Pepperidge Farm Creme Filled Pirouette Rolled Wafers (french vanilla) current snack of choice.

  2. My flatiron.

  3. Water.

  4. Chapstick.

  5. Clinique Happy.

  6. Sabon soap.

  7. Shoes.

  8. Jewelry.

  9. Bud Light.

  10. Peanut butter.

I am finding that this list is a great summary of me. Well...100 things isn't quite a summary, right? More like a short story.


Unknown said...

Ahh, yes, the flatiron. You've got me hooked on that one, so much so that I ended up buying one on ebay.

Marcie :) said...

Now you understand paying the overnight shipping from Zville to New Orleans and why I had such a fit when I realized I forgot it. :)