Friday, November 28, 2008

The day after

Ella's Christmas dress. Waited in line at Kohl's this morning for 30 minutes to purchase this for only $17, a savings of 60%. This was after I woke up at 2 minutes til 4 to drive to Wal Mart and stand beside the Barbie Jeeps so my daughter could have one for Christmas. Thanks to my brother, I scored one for only $88. This was after last night's KMart debacle where I read the wrong ad and drove all over the green earth looking for a VW Barbie car that I thought was on sale yesterday and it turned out to not be on sale until today. Argh. I earned my mommy merit badge today in what was, I'm sure, the first of many early mornings to get a good gift for Ella.

What would shopping be without purchases for myself? I got a new red leather jacket, a black casual jacket, and an awesome jewelry armoire. Once I get the armoire set up and loaded up, I will share pics.

I'm looking forward to a fun night out with friends tomorrow and Thanksgiving with my family on Sunday.

Off to spread more Christmas cheer in the house...the tree is naked, except for the lights, and waiting for me to add my magic touch. Then I get to get crafty and redo my front door wreath so it will withstand another windy winter. It is so pretty I just can't seem to convince myself to make another one.

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