Sunday, November 16, 2008

I can't resist...

Here are the shoes I wore on my last night in New Orleans. I love these shoes, but they hurt my feet. The only pair of shoes I own that hurt, by the way. All the rest are comfy, even if people don't believe me when I say that. Really. I swear. No need to second guess. Yes, my second toe is longer than my first. That's a sign of genius. Didn't you know that? But check out my awesome nail polish. I love painted nails. I do. They keep me focused on what is right with the world instead of the fact that my feet were killing me. And what's up with the appearance of no ankle? I swear my ankles were not swollen by this time. I swear. No amount of alcohol and walking around a city with 100% humidity and 100 degree temps and no water would make my ankles swell. I swear. Nothing to see here. Go on. Keep looking somewhere else and find what is wrong with my body. Move along...

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