Sunday, November 9, 2008

Two More

Apparently I can only manage to do this every other day, so my goal of posting each day has been revised to two things every two days. That's how I roll...If I can't meet a goal, I revise it so I don't feel so terrible about it.
  1. I am thankful that I have a washer and dryer in my house so I can do laundry whenever I want and do not have to haul it around.
  2. I am thankful that I got to hang with friends last night and meet some new people. Good times by the fire...
  3. And a bonus third - my daughter gives me much to be thankful for. Her charming personality and her developing brain have me in awe at all times. I especially am loving this new song and dance she will only perform while standing on the middle of my bed as if I am her audience. I only wish I knew what it was she was singing about. It must be something she loves because she sings the exact same song each time she does it and has the exact same moves. Strangely enough, I can't make out even one word she says to try to put the pieces together. I say strangely enough because she says so many other words with precision and can carry on conversations already. She's got a brain to go with her looks and personality. Wonder where she gets that from?

Off to start the bedtime routine, for which I am also thankful. I am much more "put together" in the mornings by doing a few things in the evenings. It's amazing.

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